So What Is Freeze-Drying?

Time for the cool science. We'll try not to bore you to sleep!


Freeze The Original Candies and Treats

The original candies and treats that you know and love are frozen, turning the water inside of them into ice.


Turn The Ice Into Water Vapor

The frozen treats are moved to a low-pressure vacuum chamber where… POOF!!!
The ice inside the treats transform straight into water vapor (gas), skipping the liquid water phase. We call this part of the process sublimation.


Goodbye Water Vapor, Hello Light & Airy Texture

Picture this: the water vapor from STEP 2 pulls a magical disappearing act and vanishes (dehydration). What's left? A bunch of small holes where the water vapor once was. That's how you end up with the crispy and light as a feather texture that you've come to love about freeze-dried treats. And did we mention the intense flavor that's also left behind?!


Prepare Your Taste Buds

Get ready for the most crucial step of them all! It's where you can finally pop these scrumptious goodies into your mouth and let the mind-blowing burst of flavors dance on your taste buds. Mmm, absolutely divine!

Ready to experience the magic of freeze-dried sweets and treats?